12/18/01 - Almost done with semester 1 of school, only one more final! Despite the load of school, I've managed to add 2 new paintings, new fan art, my misc. art, and a bunch of new merchandise (With a new ECAP logo!). Check 'em out! Well, winter break is coming up, so no gurantees on updates for the page, but I'll definately have a bunch more art (And perhaps a comic) when I get back.
11/7/01 - Updates galore! After much intensive labor, I've finished coloring a new drawing; the Star Chick. It's one of my favourite drawings so far. Check it out on the Richard and William art gallery. I've also been adding more features for content and interaction, such as the forums, news, guestbook, and surveys.
11/02/01 - To satisfy all the sick and twisted people who wanted the webpage to look flashier and more interesting, instead of focusing on content and artwork, I have begun to add backgrounds and random images to the pages. Hopefully this will quell these people's insatiable thirst for constant entertainment and excitement, and hopefully attract new people to take a look at the page. :P
10/13/01 - I've been getting extremely sick of seeing people's reactions to the so called "terrorist acts" that happened recently, I hope I never see another amerikan flag again in my life. Don't get me wrong, I think the death of all those people is a trajedy, but to blindly promote the killing of more people is pure idiocy to me. People should inform themselves, not just use nationalism, we should look at WHY the attacks happened, instead of trying to exterminate every terrorist in existence, since doing so will only create more dissatisfied people, leading to more terrorism. Read more on my Rants page.
10/13/01 - We're trying out a message-board, so broadcast your thoughts and opinions here. Electric Cool Aid
10/12/01 - I've set up a shoutcast server,
so all of you people out there can listen in to my internet radio station. The
address is
Or just try clicking HERE. Either
way, you will need WinAmp or a comparable program that accepts ShoutCast streams.
The station will only be running when my computer is on, and I feel like playing
music, so if you don't get a stream, try back later. If I get a lot of requests
to, I will create a schedule and post it here.
9/27/01 - I've been updating the page pretty much every day, trying to get up all the old artwork, and get some other interesting stuff up on the page so you people (If there are any of you out there) have a reason to visit this page. Under current circumstances, however, I fell like I am doing these updates and newsflashes purely to exercise my typing skills, so if there is anybody out there, send me some feedback or art or something. Well, thats about it.
9/24/01 - We now have an online store for
merchandise, check out the link above or go here.
Try to buy something if you can, because the more merch we sell the better products
we can put out, and the faster we can put them out. Not to mention the fact
that you will be the coolest person on your block if you were wearing an Electric
Cool Aid T-Shirt.
Check back to the merch section often as we will be adding/removing/changing the products frequently.
9/24/01 - The new page is up (Didn't notice, did ya?). Hopefully it will be more interesting than that automatically-generated piece of crap I was using as a placeholder.